“We have the technology and the means to allow our kids to access the outdoors and participate in sports in an equitable way to all of their able-bodied counterparts"
-Representative David Ortiz
State Rep. David Ortiz, a Denver Democrat who is sponsoring the legislation, said during a Tuesday committee hearing. Ortiz is the first Colorado lawmaker to use a wheelchair and is an advocate for disability rights
Photo Subject: Owen Cole, Photographer: Nickie Cole
"So Coloradans Can Move"
HB1136: How It Started
Inspired by Jordan Simpson's work in the state of Maine and the success of mandating coverage for activity-specific devices there, the "So Kids Can Move" initiative was formed and has grown with the support of Nicole Ver Kuilen and others at AOPA (American Orthotic & Prosthetic Association).
In Colorado, House Bill 1136, also known as "So Coloradans Can Move" started as a bill that would require private insurance companies to cover a secondary prosthesis specific to recreational activities for people living with limb loss/ limb difference in Colorado under the age of 26.
With a new amendment, the bill is now inclusive of all ages. We believe that movement is medicine and all Coloradans deserve the right to move and explore our beautiful state. The Rocky Mountain Orthotic & Prosthetic Coalition has championed this bill into legislation and continues to advocate for equal rights, specifically in the LL/LD (limb loss/ limb difference) community.
HB23-1136 was signed into law on May 25, 2023.